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Aciklama/Description:  FROM : ANKAMET CARPET DISPLAY SYSTEMS CO. / TURKEYTO : PURCHASING MANAGERSUBJECT : CARPET DISPLAY SYSTEMSTOTAL : 1 PAGEDear Sir or Madam ,ANKAMET CARPET DISPLAY SYSTEMS CO. is proudly presenting itself as one of the leading manufacturer & exporter of CARPET , CERAMIC , LAMINATE & PARQUET DISPLAY SYSTEMS from Turkey. Our company was established the capital of Turkey in Ankara and we are developing our products and inventing new systems in our Research and Development department with suggestions of our customers. Our main target is to feel the real satisfaction of our customers by quality & service and feel the pleasure of using our We claim any product with Ankamet brand as one of the ANKAMET family and care about all the system.We will continue to serve our customers with our creative and imaginary activities, with the power we feel from our customers. Our company took an important step to be the leader in its sector by adding Carpet Display Systems to its product range. Our current product range is divided into four different classifications as follows: *RAIL DISPLAY SYSTEMS FOR CARPETS *BOOK DISPLAY SYSTEMS FOR CARPETS*ECO BOOK SYSTEMS FOR CARPETS*PANEL DISPLAY SYSTEMS FOR CARPETS*DISPLAY SYSTEMS FOR RUGS*CERAMIC DISPLAY STANDS *PARQUET DISPLAY STANDS*SHELF DISPLAY RACK*DOOR DISPLAY STANDS *STAND CLIPSES*STAND CLAMPS*ACCESSORIES The best world-wide quality with best competitive price and on time delive
Country/Ülke:  a-Turkey/Türkei/Türkiye
City/Sehir:  ANKARA
Postal Address/Cadde:  41 STREET NO 24 OSTIM INDUSTRIAL ZONE
ZIP/Postal Code/Posta Kodu:  06900
Map/route-Haritada Gör :  View map/route/Adresi Haritada Gör

Phone Number/Telefon:  0090-332-2355010
Fax Number/Fax:  0090-332-2355010
Mobile Phone/Cep Tel.:  0090-533-7468854
Contact Person/Kontak Sahis:  HAKAN INCE
Titel / Ünvani:  FOREIGN TRADE

E-Mail Address/E-Mail:  Send message/Mesaj Yolla
URL/Website/ Site :

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