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Aciklama/Description:  (UNCLE YUNUS FOOD INDUSTRY AND TRADE LTD.) ADANA/TURKEY Dear madam/gentlemen, First of all, it is our pleasure to introduce our company which was established as a small sweet and pastry manufacturing hose by Yunus Tuncsoy and has been in the sweet and pastry sector for more than forty years. Company trademark is registered as Uncle Yunus Food Industry and Trade Ltd. in 1998. Yunus Amca has large variety of sweet, pastry, cookies, the Turkish delight, candies, especially baklava and kadayif for the factories, super and mega markets, hospitals, schools as well as industrial foundations in large scale. Additionally; we successfully provide other food products on time when there is an urgent demand. Our main principle is to provide the best quality products that are prepared in most hygienic, safe, and healthy environment and we guarantee total satisfaction of our products. Moreover; we are proud to say that Yunus Amca was the only company in Adana awarded for the qualification license of TSE (The Institution of the Turkish Standarts) in 1999. We are also fulfilled with all HACCP applications and awarded with TS EN ISO 9001:2000 for exceeding current food safety codes and health department requirements. FİRMAMIZ MARKETLERİN , FABRİKALARIN , BÜYÜK ÖLÇEKLİ SANAYİ KURULUŞLARININ , YEMEK SERVİS HİZMETLERİNİN , HASTANELERİN , OKUL KANTİN VE YEMEKHANELERİNİN , BAŞTA BAKLAVA TATLISI OLMAK ÜZERE ,TÜM TATLI , PASTA , SİMİT , POĞAÇA , UNLU MA
Country/Ülke:  a-Turkey/Türkei/Türkiye
City/Sehir:  ADANA
ZIP/Postal Code/Posta Kodu:  01130
Map/route-Haritada Gör :  View map/route/Adresi Haritada Gör

Phone Number/Telefon:  0090-322-4352676
Fax Number/Fax:  0090-322-4352676
Mobile Phone/Cep Tel.:  0090-544-5389490
Contact Person/Kontak Sahis:  MR. HALIL TUNÇSOY
Titel / Ünvani:  GENEL MÜDÜR

E-Mail Address/E-Mail:  Send message/Mesaj Yolla
URL/Website/ Site :

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