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Firma/Kurulus Adi:  Aprifood Ltd.Co.,
Aciklama/Description:  we produce and export dried apricots with the world quality standards worldwide,Annual capacity 3000.m.ton.
Country/Ülke:  a-Turkey/Türkei/Türkiye
City/Sehir:  Malatya
Postal Address/Cadde:  Ozsan sanayi sitesi 33.blok no-15/16
ZIP/Postal Code/Posta Kodu:  44110
Map/route-Haritada Gör :  View map/route/Adresi Haritada Gör

Phone Number/Telefon:  +90 422 238 06 87
Fax Number/Fax:  +90 422 238 06 88
Mobile Phone/Cep Tel.:  +90-535-3304022
Contact Person/Kontak Sahis:  Muhlis Coskun
Titel / Ünvani:  Gen Director

E-Mail Address/E-Mail:  Send message/Mesaj Yolla
URL/Website/ Site :

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