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Firma/Kurulus Adi:  Anatolian Arts Center
Aciklama/Description:  Anatolian Arts Center study on Anatolian hand arts of ancient time and search on how it was created; then we contact with the manufacturers by supporting them to produce new models. Some products that we design were produced in different parts of Anatolia and also we manufacture some of our products.These products symbolize the experience and the skill of the Anatolian people which was from past civilizations Roman, Byzantine, Ottomans and modern Turkey.Our products includes arts and crafts which reflects the culture of Anatolia from ancient times till now and also pine honey. We invite you to discover Anatolian handicrafts and gifts by contacting us.
Country/Ülke:  a-Turkey/Türkei/Türkiye
City/Sehir:  Ankara
ZIP/Postal Code/Posta Kodu:  06520
Map/route-Haritada Gör :  View map/route/Adresi Haritada Gör

Phone Number/Telefon:  903124315543
Mobile Phone/Cep Tel.:  905322651058
Contact Person/Kontak Sahis:  Berk Yuksel

E-Mail Address/E-Mail:  Send message/Mesaj Yolla
URL/Website/ Site :

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